Hyeonseok Shin: CSS It gives you the full flexibility of a programming language while removing all the boilerplate surrounding your business logic through static analysis. Database Consulting Group: D4 HyperTalk Klaus Bailly: Finnish This is exactly what I came to post. Step 3: Activate necessary permission to send welcome messages. Assembler(6502,C64) TI-59 Made over 1,000 macros with it so far and automated pretty much all frictions I have with using my mac. I have a starter kit that includes a ton of stuff including pre-made JWT auth configured as Hasura Actions, a standard monolith-style Node REST API skeleton, and OpenFaaS serverless handler examples in every major language (Node, Python, Ruby, Java, Go, C#, PHP) you can find here: https://github.com/GavinRay97/hasura-ultimate-starter. VBScript MuLisp Cindi Knox: mIRC (script and alias versions) Let me know how it goes! WebBuild Discord bots, as fast as a speedrun.Build code-powered Discord bots in minutes without worrying about servers, sockets or reconnections. I am building a Covid19 dashboard and looking for some UI that can pull data from my django backend. Jrgen Jung: Visual Works Smalltalk Hack Which means either a complete rebuild off the platform, or the easier option Stay on the platform. CachObjectScript Imba OpenVMS Ursala Trans Go to the How To Add Jockie Music Bot To Discord. Ron Aaron: 8th Sanath Kumar.S: Verilog PureBasic(Console) Racket Coconut GML Microtik Giovanni Ferranti: GRAMophone Thank you for a great work! This is where you place the custom_id of one of your buttons. BASIC Q Jose Antonio Chacon: ActionScript 3 Pascal(Windows) Cool F BlitzPlus Hoon Lets go do that next. Select the button and watch as your bot successfully gives you a role and confirm with a message. Perl6 Vala Darren Debono: C for Amiga Anywhere Flash was really cool! [2] https://play.encore.dev/vHZHuXf2zca3dg. Ecstasy Mads Ohm Larsen: Elixir It has a database viewer, but it's not the core of the product, so I use Forest Admin to autogenerate an Admin Dashboard that non-technical team members can use: With these two, you can point-and-click make 80% of a SaaS product in almost no time. Thomas Mertes: Seed7 T But I'd describe it as "just code" and not "low code". Chef Nobody cares two hoots about it.= |Danach krht kein Hahn. wml And a quick way to find your roles id is by typing the role in Discord then adding a backslash before the role like this \@role. I've heard good things about it on Reddit as well. design and deploy a 3D world for VR users I would seriously consider Godot as a front-end IDE. I think it's fantastic. HP-41C Euphoria Requires: Linked Spotify account. It appears to sort of be a new word for the (often tried earlier) concept of visual/gui/config based programming, without requiring traditional programming languages. From the moment Autocode pushed out the update in which users were able to create a music bot, I started developing an app for it. This app will set up a barebones bot project with handlers for bot_mention and message.create events, as well as a handler for a slash command called member-count.The rest of this tutorial will walk A slash command that sends a custom message as if it came from the bot directly. The request replay feature (being able to replay a previous HTTP request to an endpoint) and seeing step-by-step execution results is amazing. B Thomas Piske: BS2000 batch On the no-code side I really like http://carrd.co, a) thank you for carrd.co, it's something I've been looking for. All that follows is my personal opinion; I do work for Esri but I'm not speaking for them here. Focal Also, shill alert as I'm an author for this service (but this was a fun project to build over a few minutes, so thank you). TeX MEX Larry Soule: QR code image What kind of applications have you used it for? T-SQL how are you accomplishing that? Rick Roll Link generator. HolyC BlitzPlus Fortran77 What benefits would be using the DB over a GraphQL API? Ecstasy The Collection exceeded 200 entries on 14-Jul-2005, 300 on 6-Dec-2006, Eric Bergman: FOCUS SQR For the sake of a better argument, can you clarify if you're in danger, or physically unable to create an account, or if it's a privacy choice, please? ChaiScript JavaServerPages RealText HP-41C CSS Next select the I'm not a Robot box.. 3. Then hook them up to any other API you want. Clojure Auto-generates a message preview and all the code needed to send it. It doesn't have any scripts, cookies, ads, trackers, Facebook links, or If I had to e.g. Stephen Stainless: TI BASIC, TI Extended BASIC Bato van der Meer: Elliott Autocode Go Filemaker TI-8x I can open it from any device and start writing (think Simplenote) or build "micro apps" that perform some basic software function. That is a powerful and concise outline of Datasette. Logs are handled in the UI for you so you don't have to muck with AWS at all (the deployment to AWS is effectively an implementation detail that you don't have to know about). Kitten R Eugene Ivanov: Win32 Assembler ParaSail DM Discord Welcome Message Ideas. Logo This app will set up a barebones bot project with handlers for bot_mention and message.create events, as well as a handler for a slash command called member-count.The rest of this tutorial will walk https://www.easycsv.io/. Symsyn Programs were contributed by (in chronological order): Wolfram Rsler: Founder and maintainer of the Collection I'm building something for lazy React devs: Here's some feedback, from a backend dev + entrepreneur who hasn't grokked React yet: I appreciate the feedback! R K 8th OPL.simple SApp It sounds perfect. If you need additional customization after that, we allow you to hook into existing business logic via http services or graphql endpoints and expose that to the end-user as "functions" which can be consumed when configuring a Space. Instead of creating a database and hosting it somewhere, or hard-coding them, I put them in a spreadsheet that the AWS job reads at the beginning of every run. It will post a message embed into the Discord channel where the command was invoked. 010 ! T Andreas Maeder: Borland Pascal 7 Hasura by far, lets you point-and-click build your database and table relationships with a web dashboard and autogenerates a full GraphQL CRUD API with permissions you can configure and JWT/webhook auth baked-in. E Steve Roper: Mobile Phone We've reimplemented complex flows that felt fairly manageable in Mule, but feel rather unwieldy in LAs despite being essentially 1-to-1 translations. Helpers are the component-like classes for the presentation layer of your application. Step 1: Mocking up Embed Messages with Buttons First, lets mock up the message our bot will send. I haven't had time to expand react-admin-low-code, so glad to see someone take the general idea and run with it. Simen Schweder: Norwegian How the way people code "Hello World" varies depending on their age and job, Python program that uses artifical intelligence. AMOS Great now that youve programmed your button, its time to test on Discord! BTW, egow here. BASIC Pharo My issue with the term is that, when you think in historical terms about discrimination, it's people being forced out of places/positions/society because of who they are. JudoScript OPL.dialog The Collection is administered as a bunch of text files which Using this site, you can create a unique link of yours, and can send that to your targeted Troll Quick Link. Janet Kasper Fehrend: Lotus Script Mule's visual editor has no problem with large (sometimes too large) flows, with multiple branching paths, and then sub-branching on top of that. Josef Betancourt: Powershell Play a music through Groovy bot; Source: alphr.com.Chip is one of the best free music bots for Discord if you want something easy and robust. Assembler(HP-85) OCaml I'll let you know what we come up with. "The C Programming Language", Just browse it, read it as long as you wish, leave when you're done. What we're doing in our production version of this is using Postgres and Hasura for auth following this approach in order to reduce external dependencies: https://github.com/sander-io/hasura-jwt-auth. https://www.mapbox.com/solutions/interactive-storytelling, Served me well for creating basic website, blogging and form :). That's it. Fetlang Lutz Haselof: ConTeXt Delphi XSL-FO W COBOL Donald Fisk: Full Metal Jacket VVVV Assembler(ARM,Android) XHTML /join. Jason H. Jester: ratfor We've created an endpoint that will handle a request whenever a user types !role in any channel. WebHowever this task can be daunting and confusing to get correctly the first time. Georg Bauer: Rexx (simple version), Erlang, SML, Snobol, Setl2, CAML light You build applications by composing high-level building blocks, which are small business logic units and are chained together on a visual graph of your application. RegularExpression WebBuild Discord bots, as fast as a speedrun.Build code-powered Discord bots in minutes without worrying about servers, sockets or reconnections. It's an IDE with some UI components similar to Zapier that auto-generates actual code for you. Andrey Grigoriev: 1C:Enterprise WebHowever this task can be daunting and confusing to get correctly the first time. Was on Front Page HN when we launched. - I know you have mentioned this in the comment, but it's MUCH cheaper. None of your excuses!=Kommen Sie mir nicht mit Ausreden! Alexander Bogdanov: REFAL-2, MuLisp Stefan Brozinski: Windows, HP-41C Jess Cuerda: Genie Poon Poon: F# Rick roll people while you walk down the street. Tanmai is on email 24/7, you've honestly got a better chance of reaching him there than on Discord: I agree that Discord seems like an odd place to find this information, but I'm curious to know what prevents you from creating a Discord account? BCPL Pascal(Windows) Vala The bot is added as an integration to multiple channels, all but one of them are private. Veselov Ilya: C# qore For more information on how it works, check out our guide. Diptesh Ghosh: LaTeX, Maple Fabian Andres Chara Parra: SQR SQL(DB2) MAMASH Velato SIMPLE I'm pretty certain I am not the only programmer who has never heard the term before. Z So off we go. D4 Michail Michailidis: Greek VisualFoxPro Hmmm really? of Beer collection. AWK Martin Uebing: Intuition MML-AXE10 C++ sqlplus You can export and use in your own app, or submit to our backend and send Webhooks to an automation service like zapier. Makes it really satisfying as a learning to build something and have it be live without getting stuck in heroku / mongodb / etc hell. It's got quite a few limitations, but I've found it quite fun to explore game dev concepts without being tempted by perfection. Joel Bryan Juliano: Bato Vasile V. Alaiba: Romanian Our plan is to give you tools and resources to move off Dark if you want to". Fredrik Sandebert: REALbasic - List of demo apps https://refinery.io/discover, - Map/reduce using fan-out transitions https://docs.refinery.io/tutorials/fan-out-fan-in/, - Docs on the different Block types https://docs.refinery.io/blocks/. It does not include synchronization or message backup. Ada You end up writing very little compared to traditional frameworks. Simon James Kearon: Bemba I'm writing my own low code framework[0], so I'm really interested in this space. I'm still waiting for an open source tool (not even focused on games) that incorporates code, data and ui this beautifully^^. It is PL1 Ook Oberon.std Ezhil J TI-59 Spiral Block kit modal example. Assembler(PA-RISC) Mike Finn: Matrix C* Share your embed with others using a simple share link. Gsi Csaba: Hungarian (fixed) since I am kinda sold on strapi, I am surprised to not see it in the list. QCL DynaMorph Guile Lily Rusak Maxim: Kylix ICLSCL Chee-Hyung Lee: LOLCODE Greg Douglas: GameMonkey Script Hello world in BitZ. Iptscrae Emacs. why don't you get one of your friends who already has a discord account to make one and hand you the credentials? The design is simple and beautiful. MACRO-11 Zapier user here. Agda Focal Fennel Prolog rhine V Lingo Lars Burgstahler: Chef The Hello World Collection is a static page with no active contents. I'm a big user of graphile - they've also got a pretty good starter boilerplate with auth, etc baked in: Has anyone ever hooked graphile up to a point and click schema editor, for iterating without writing code? SQL(Advantage) The bot allows servers to play music from a variety of sources. And really comprehensive docs about setup and architecture + how everything works here: http://hasura-ultimate-starter.surge.sh/#/. CommonLisp Natural The idea started from there and now includes more flexibility in terms of integrations, customization of data displays, and the ability to compose actions. Peter Furlan: Trans Assembler(68000,Amiga) Dafny Jade ellvis/Zeroteam: Sinclair Basic Dennis Melentyev: Ukrainian IaRRoVaWo: Galician Thanks tyingq! Snobol ASP(VBE) Thats discrimination whether you like to acknowledge it or not. You don't I know that Oracle is not liked on HN, but Oracle XE with Oracle Apex is a great low code solution to create web apps for internal and external users. PHP [edit: More on carrd, according to their TOS they get unlimited rights to all your content?!?!]. Volker Wurst: Smalltalk LibertyBASIC I've been looking at picking up hasura but don't like the idea of using something like Auth0. Have only seen colleagues use them but MS powerapps is pretty powerful. Tcl Amiga-E Web2. Databasic O S-Plus WebSetup You can use this bot in 1 of 2 ways: Use it like any other music bot out there via .play songName/Url here Use the .setup command and get a unique songrequest channel. Build and host for free. Zoltan Adamek aka Scorchio: Max/MSP Set your trigger to Discord and your event as message.create.prefix. Jason Max Wolf: VVVV Steve Gwilt: TAL Nit Christian Rogoll: EOS 2 ATS With respect to flexibility, it's there when you need it. Modula-3 I wonder if things have come full circle and Parse-alikes are becoming fashionable again. Marmelade Emojicode Have you tried it / do you have comparison points? P Tom Demuyt: Judoscript The Happy Hippy: PICAXE BASIC, Spin ABC Jack Doerner: Liberty BASIC VSL Rebol-view Velocity WebcsdnDAR DiskDAR DiskDAR DiskDAR Disk Leo Podstanicky: Ansible Playbook. 2. Clean Carlo Keil: Profan Shawn Lucas: G Code Hit the blue Okay to finish setting the trigger. POP-11 Ecstatic Let me know if you would like to talk or want a demo. Share your embed with others using a simple share link. Elm A timely example: the first version of this API for interacting with data about the COVID-19 pandemic took me just a few minutes to build AND deploy: https://covid-19.datasettes.com/ - it uses data pulled hourly from https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 and https://github.com/nytimes/covid-19-data. Vatical com has much to offer with simple rickrolling. MPLABIDE A slash command that sends a custom message as if it came from the bot directly. Morgan Dell: Rational Rose Now we can test the prefix command by heading over to Discord and posting a message with our prefix command like so: !role. They both look good! Latino For 2D games (and some simple 3D) GameMaker Studio[0] is amazing too. Hello world in Assembler for the Electrologica X1 (ca. Watch a demo.. A form and application bot for Discord, Form Fox, or just Fox, is our take on a Disord application bot. RPGIVv3-4 Thue Scratch AppleScript In regards to integrating Logic Apps with source control here is some reading material that I found useful on the topic: We are building a product similar to Mule targeting small & medium enterprises. aheui Throughout the Web, you can find many copies of various versions Plankalkl REBOL Spin HDX Therefore I make a request to message.update inside my message.button.interaction endpoint for the specific button I want to disable. Using this site, you can create a unique link of yours, and can send that to your targeted Troll Quick Link. What are you using to create a customer facing UI/frontend? Stefan Llabres: Postscript Elliott m4 Have a problem? It seems that you believe that you benefit from Discord's gatekeeping. Paulo Dionisio Coelho: Kix Python3 Yeah, I'm seriously, the "game" engine. It provides 50 backups and synchronization of Ahmed Abdalla: Noor Rey Sam Birch: SApp Assembler(SPARC) SplunkSPL ici How to Create a Welcome Message Template Fortran It supports both sending and receiving web hooks. Enabling Discord's requirement for a verified phone number stopped the raid in its tracks and allowed us to clean up without further issue. Matrix If you haven't checked out Autocode [0], I recommend you give it a whirl! You can use it to import spreadsheet data into your app or other apps similar to Zapier. Ben Aceler: Parser Lutz Mueller: newLISP Haskell Peter Hans van den Muijzenberg: Dutch, Frisian, ZX81-Assembler Peter Gummer: Eiffel Maple IBM-Exec Juan Pablo Espinosa: Miva Script Tom Kaitchuck: Nice simXa: MAMASH, Hebrew JSFuck LotusScript Daniel Hugenroth: Casio BASIC RealText Sascha Welter: AppleScript Henrique Dante de Almeida: C++-gtkmm easm The main use is for loading a data warehouse. BIT Mumps Occam Jonathan R.: AutoHotkey Linotte LS-DYNA Hubot Uwe Eichler: LIMS Basic Dataflex Zig Youre in the same channel as the bot. rhine The embed will contain buttons and upon selection, a role will be added to the user pressing the button. Real programming languages only please. I was playing with it last month and whipped up a simple "toy" (calling it a "game" is too much) that lets me fly a little space ship around a little asteroid field. Stefan Holm: VBA (Excel and Word), Draco, Scratch, Haxe, TypeScript, make In REST you either need to waste some bytes, have two endpoints, or use some conditional to show/hide the field. Say you need a list of users ids + emails in one page, and a list with ids + names + emails in other. Azure provides the run history for your app right in the panel, which essentially acts as a set of visual logs for past runs. Nemerle on Mastodon, Made with love and Ruby on Rails. Kenneth Vanhoey: Luxembourgish, Lisaac Guile C* Build and host for free. Actually, Emacs is a low coding editing environment, because the strength of emacs is that once you can program it it's extremely easy to write extensions for it, even for one off tasks, because it's so quick and easy. Marcelo Toledo: Emacs Lisp J Auto-generates a message preview and all the code needed to send it. This is similar to what we're doing! Why do you need React integrated with this? I just use Discord because it's immediate feedback. LOLCODE Silvano Riccio: XSLT Can you explain why this is more existing than starting a brand new product using plain PostgreSQL? C(X11Athena) Lisaac MEX XSL-FO Hello world in Folders. Vlad Albulescu: Cool Rebol-view James Kingsley: GLBasic But the cost of that productivity is absolute vendor lock-in That's very true, but for me that's an acceptable tradeoff for not having to write much code or spin up a database, docker container, load balancer, or worry about security. Ric Ford: HyperTalk With plain PostgreSQL you have to write your own backend logic to access the database. Geoff Canyon: J Pouya Kary: Arendelle It only requires a single line of the bot to connect your Discord in Autocode. Ezhil TinyFugue POP-11 Beef Mike Wessler: Quartz Composer When you use Internal, we offer a CRUD tool with fine grained permissions, auditability and controls to get you started. VRML For business or pleasure. Head back to your project in Autocode and select a new endpoint. Most of the work you do tends to be done in the visual editor, just like in LAs, but you can drop down into the XML as necessary. The Bot Token is entered correctly in your auth.json file. MEL Arturo Olguin Cruz: Pro*C I was also worried and had to search in their Slack channel. MAX-MSP amharic Natural Oberon.oberon Make sure: Node.js installed correctly. Thanks Lucas! K5 I'm always tempted to try them out for new projects but I always find myself back to Django, it will be here 10 years down the road. When we were looking to extend our spreadsheet functions that read/write to/from databases, we considered integrating Hasura as a backend. That said, this is a very early version. Toby Thain: VAX-11 Macro, Assembler (PDP-8), Assembler (DG Nova) AngelScript Assembler(X8) ASP.NET Sorry, I'm a bit new to GraphQL. GoogleGadgets Piet Head back to your discord server and press the second button. It's got simplified editors for tiles, sprites, maps, music, sound and code, runs on desktops + raspberry pis, and can export to web. They idea is that instead of they asking us to do some trivial tasks like fetching some data from the DB or sending a request to an API, they could do that by them selves, parting from what we (the developers) build for them. How to Create a Welcome Message Template We love it. IDL I once had a pipeline that would take Trello tickets with movie names, search them using (I think) TMDB and apply a synopsis + posters to the Trello ticket upon ticket creation! If the command was triggered as a result of a manually typed command, this field will be empty. Maple C(X11Athena) Assembler(68000,AtariST) have to log in, register, pay, or sell your soul in order to use it. If you're not on Twitter, we hope to submit the integration by the end of this month so check us out then. Forth in as many more-or-less well known programming languages, plus Daniel Temkin: Velato Mule's also able to provide a more consistent ability to validate JSON against schemas; LAs appear to only really be able to do this at the trigger point. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. Advanced Music Bot. Boo Rolf Huisman: SPARC Assembly Language Setl2 Assembler(Itanium) If youd like to continue this discussion further, please just email me. The Serverless Framework have been an amazing low code experience for me. Dennis Furey: Ursala Charles Goodwin: Vexi Dafny Gentee-simple # Roman Stumm: Smalltalk MT We built MintData into the tool I've always wanted and thought was missing. Set your trigger source to Discord and the event to message.create.prefix.A prefix input will now appear, which we'll set as !play.The message.create.prefix event trigger will tell Autocode to execute our code every time there is a message with the prefix command !play written on our server. Libor Tvrdik: Velocity You can build Spaces without SQL or javascript knowledge and you can quickly create useful tools without needing to know how to code. Gofer I bring this up because we have settled on mostly Logic Apps with a few Azure Functions here and there as necessary, to fill in for missing connectors. GameMonkeyScript U Baibhav Vatsa: Reason curian: MSIL Ad Boerma: TI-8x/9x, PHP Marco Pontello: Redcode Kalman Zsoltai: Centura During the lifetime of a websocket connection, bytes should be routed to the same Hasura instance. Sascha Wilde: Argh! The bot allows servers to play music from a variety of sources. MiniScript Anguish sqlplus I often do. Very cool stuff! Coconut Next, join a voice channel and instruct the bot on which song to play through the "-play " command. Having first been mentioned in Brian Kernighan's The original command is hidden so 1958). C/AL REALbasic This command will make the bot send a little help message. It can be run locally or on a cloud provider that runs containers (e.g. Brainfuck ActionScript(Flash8) C++(Qt) Roman Truschev: RSL Julia Befunge The current Divjoy is basically landing page + auth flow + a little extra boilerplate and structure that helps as you start building your web app. It's so powerful. Iker Mancenido: Basque/Euskara It only requires a single line of the bot to connect your Discord in Autocode. A big one is being able to easily drop in a custom Azure Function as a processor. VisualFoxPro It's an IDE with some UI components similar to Zapier that auto-generates actual code for you. 2. We were sick of writing spreadsheet importers for most apps we have ever built. Marcus Schmidke: Occam, MSDOS batch, Intel Assembler, 6502 Assembler (C64) They are excluding all users who cant get Discord accounts, such as those who cant agree to the Discord TOS, for example. VisualBasic6 Seed7 ZIM. Google Sheets can be surprisingly handy as a UI for editing data. Scilab Modula-2 PHP+GD Just be weary of this, when depending on it. Laurent Tonnelier: SVG It's really amazing how far you can get with just Postgres. Assembler(X1) ConTeXt Larry Burton: Forth Amy de Buitleir: Irish I use Node-Red for all of my home automations. VHDL automatically clip supermarket coupons every week, check for tax loss harvesting opportunities in my portfolio, etc. It does not include synchronization or message backup. Velato mIRC-Commandline Sascha Bendinger: Dylan LSL Brainfuck Kitten ASP(VBE) This language has no comments. Mike Quigley: T-SQL Build something simple inside the Divjoy editor, host it with me, export your codebase at any time for full flexibility. Microtik Whatever you like. If you just want to quickly get your bot up and running, we have a pre-built basic Discord example app for you to get started with. Love it! Currently working on an integration for Airtable that allows you to create a dynamic CMS using any data source, without code. Pascal Costanza: Oberon (Oberon OS) Head on over to the embed builder. Fortran77 The source code of the program is the structure of nested folders No way!=Keineswegs! W I got up to $150/mo really fast for a static site that receives only about 900req/day. To add to the list of tools other already mentioned, we are building. Everybody gets so excited when they hear about music bots. - every single input field can be enhanced with custom code. When will people finally learn that locked in languages are a very costly mistake. Even super common things, like routing, aren't included out of the box with React, so there's a surprising amount of things a tool like Divjoy can setup for you. Amiga-E LLVM Might I ask what limitations/issues you ran into? John Park: MEL No comments are possible in this language. We are in the middle of a year-long project to 'rewrite' all of our ESB glue/pipelines from MuleSoft to the Azure platform. Wolfgang Teschner: Python VAXMacro So hasura just exposes a Postgres database through GraphQL? The data grids in PowerApps are woefully inadequate though and people have been asking Microsoft to improve them on their forums for a while to no avail. You must check the sample payload or log your event to the console using console.log(context.params.event). Yes! Head back to your project in Autocode and select a new endpoint. David Peterson: SIMPLE (submitted by Barry Hitchings) Cocoa HolyC PeopleCode Assembler(8051) Emojicode Seed7 Powerbasic L33t [1] Disclaimer: am founder. Nobody cares two hoots about it.= |Danach krht kein Hahn. For more information on how it works, check out our guide. Once your embed message looks perfect toggle the view code button on the top right. Chris Thornhill: CYBOL E Time to test if it all works as expected! JCL If you just want to quickly get your bot up and running, we have a pre-built basic Discord example app for you to get started with. Dafny What are the reasons you 'don't like' something like Auth0? C++ There is more I could do with this (like trigger an email if something fails, etc). Hoping to push it more in the carrd direction in the future so you can customize super quickly before moving to code. /u/geocar: Hoon, and lots of fixes Click here for brief history of the Hello World Collection. Q Hello world in Kumir. It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Latino MySQLFUNCTION Lasso Tim Cas: Arena Firebase does provide unlimited password logins for free, which mitigated my personal concerns about Auth0. WebNo opportunity offered itself.=Es bot sich keine Gelegenheit. ABC Intercal Tanmai, their CEO, gave a response in the Discord on this question a few weeks ago: Thats a double whammy. Rust /u/farias0: Portugol PocketCalculator Fiosaiche: Scots Gaelic Have K3 Nobody cares two hoots about it.= |Danach krht kein Hahn. LPC 1C-Enterprise Sindri Snaer // Zn0w: Icelandic Paul Tingle: POP-11 Boo DML I would consider both to fall in the low code genre but still allow a dev to do really cool things (both allow for you to write whatever you want in JS). Objective-C They used to have a per-user price that was fine for small teams. Dataflex Sure darklang improves productivity. Thank you! Google Apps Script has a scheduler built in: The scheduled job runs on AWS, it just fetches the sheet when it runs. BMCRemedy I am excluded from all of the discussions as a result of my not being able to safely get a Discord account. GML ActionScript3.0 About lock-in it's open source software, so you're as locked in as you'd be with, say, Rails or Django. P > Aren't you forced to use Google Apps Script to interact with Sheets? LilyPond /join. Andrew Cooke: Malbolge https://sneak.berlin/20200220/discord-is-not-an-acceptable-c https://blog.discordapp.com/discord-transparency-report-apri https://cdn.tryretool.com/videos/4_minute_demo_4827ae.mp4. Then hook them up to any other API you want. RA requires more manual work to set up and the aesthetics are different (Material UI), but it also gives you more flexibility. ParaSail Shen Remember that Hasura handles all the authorization for you, so there's no need to "proxy" requests made to it. My overall goal in Daptin (the name comes from adaptable) is to build something reliable which can run for years without needing any maintenance. We offer a feature called Spaces for when you need to customize the UI and build tools quickly, but we do this in a way that keeps you from shooting yourself in the foot. LogicApps it's a great low-coding tool that I enjoy as a developer. I just wanted to share these tools because I feel they're undervalued and underused, and I reach for them for every new project I start. Assembler(PDP-8) A.Shulga: C++ Epoc /join. Verilog Vexi DWIM > Since low-coding is super trendy these days. Ada Mumps Subsequent connections from different clients to Hasura need not go to the same instance! Thanks for putting it together. G PILOT Assembler(68008) Progress Hello world in BIT. Frank Burnham: Clojure Tynan Sylvester: UnrealScript Cocoa LSL Donna-n-Doug Finner: Lotus Note Formula Language Hello World in DWIM ("Do what I mean"). IDL Generate client side SDK's from the API? AppleScript Webcsdnfdvmosfdvmosfdvmosfdvmos Jorge Monasterio: Esperanto Jozef Knepp: DML Are you guys Postgres-centric, out of curiosity? Once unsuspended, janeth will be able to comment and publish posts again. XQuery TECO AWK /u/SagetBob: Scala Once suspended, janeth will not be able to comment or publish posts until their suspension is removed. Darkbasic But at least does what you describe above in a (hopefully) succinct fashion! L Erik Svedng: Carp Additionally, having everything there in the Azure portal is valuable. I've led engineering teams from seed to series C companies (10 - 50+ people) for several years. JSFuck Renan Caldeira: BMC Remedy FortranIV LVE Tom Ragle: BuddyScript K Dileep R: Malayalam JCL VBA(Word) Chris de Almeida: K&R's original Hello World program Hubert Bielenia: AviSynth Prolog This language has no comments. Ook szl Refal No comment character exists. The ambition to level up your Discord Bot development! This seems great! I have this feeling that hasura is still "onboarding". Marc Van-Woerkom: C++ Eta GoogleGadgets PPL Jade's default prefix is "JD".

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