Project development and application, Tool 10: Integrating a gender perspective in monitoring and evaluation processes, Steps to integrate a gender perspective in M&E processes, Tool 11: Reporting on resource spending for gender equality in the EU Funds, Tracking expenditures for gender equality. In many advanced societies in Europe and in the wide world the traditional labour division between genders has vanished and women work in fields typically occupied by men but this does not guarantee that there is not still a huge gap in the work life of men and women. Because of the gender pay gap, and interrupted and shorter working lives, women earn less over their lifetime than men. where feminists are undermined for continuing to make demands for gender equality in a "post-feminist" society, where "gender equality has (already) been achieved". One in three women in Europe has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15, In 2012, 8% of women in the EU had experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner or a non-partner in the 12 months prior to the interview. The gender gap for employed persons with temporary contracts was much less pronounced, at 2.3percentage points in 2021 (12.4% of women and 10.1% of men)[12]. Creating accountability and strengthening commitment, 10. Engage in the needs assessment 7. Caring responsibilities was the main reason why women (aged 20 to 64) were not part of the labour force in 2021, with 30.2% of women outside the labour force reporting this as main reason. In 2021, almost a third of board members of the largest listed companies were women. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Gender Statistics allow for and enable, systematic research and study of differentials and issues regarding gender. Invite others to join in 9. The Gender Statistics Database provides a broad overview of statistics on gender, highlighting differences and inequalities between both sexes. As of 2022, it was estimated that Europe had closed 76.6 percent of its gender gap, making it the second most successful region in the world, only beaten by North America. Violating sexist expectations can lead to sexual harassment, How can I combat sexism? Another important objective is the elimination of gender-based violence and protecting and supporting victims. The 2020 Best Countries rankings are no different. However, men continue to fall behind in their educational attainment levels. However, in 2020, womens gross hourly earnings in the EU were still on average 13.0% below those of men. Lithuania ranks 22 out of 28 countries on the EU Gender Equality Index. As a result, the gender employment gap narrowed by 2.6 percentage points between 2009 and 2021. Identifying and developing possible work-life balance interventions, Step 4. . Italy's gender pay gap is under five percent; the fourth-lowest in the EU after Slovenia, Romania, and Luxembourg, according to Eurostat. The gender employment gap is defined as the difference between the employment rates of men and women aged 20 to 64. EU action for gender equality is mainstreamed in various policy areas and aims to ensure equal rights such as equality in decision-making, ending gender-based violence and gender pay gap. When asked to assess perceptions of gender equality in various nations, respondents from around the world scored Sweden, the Netherlands,. The OECD Gender Initiative examines existing barriers to gender equality in education, employment, and entrepreneurship. On 29 April 2021, the first ever COST Connect on advancing gender equality in research and innovation was organised , bringing together a wide diversity of ambassadors of gender equality, including researchers and innovators from COST Actions and European Union policy stakeholders. The network connects advocates, activists, and experts from Finland in the north to Malta in the south, from Ireland in the west to Georgia in the east, and offers them a channel to the global movement for gender equality and violence prevention. Facts and Figures 4% of all sports media content is dedicated to women's sports 22% of AI professionals globally are women 73% of women journalists had experienced online violence in the course of their work 75% of children who are likely never to go to primary school are girls 125 women journalists killed since 1995 Next UNESCO in numbers 36 It's a development that does not tally with the statistics. Creating accountability and strengthening commitment, 10. Examples of gender-sensitive practices in parliaments, Women and men have equal opportunities to ENTER the parliament, Women and men have equal opportunities to INFLUENCE the parliaments working procedures, Womens interests and concerns have adequate SPACE on parliamentary agenda, The parliament produces gender-sensitive LEGISLATION, The parliament complies with its SYMBOLIC function, Gender budgeting in womens and mens lived realities. Launching gender equality action plans, 13. European Commission (2021), 2021 report on gender equality in the EU. See all past newsletters. The Global Gender Gap Index, which tracks progress towards gender equality, ranked China 102 out of 146 countries this year. Monitoring and steering organisational change, 4. Below you will find a series of selected key indicators which illustrate some of the differences and similarities between the current life situation of men and women. Access to networks for business purposes. But female creativity and entrepreneurial potential are an under-exploited source of economic growth and jobs that should be further developed and promote gender equality. However, men continue to fall behind in their educational attainment levels. Finding funds and support from government agencies. According to data from November 2018 in the world only 24.1% of MPs were women, ie an 11.3% increase with 1995. Three reasons why gender budgeting is crucial in the EU Funds, How can we apply gender budgeting in the EU Funds? How is gender-responsive public procurement linked to gender equality? Promoting equality between women and men in this area is one of the priorities the EU has set for achieving gender equality. More detailed information on EU SDG indicators for monitoring of progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as indicator relevance, definitions, methodological notes, background and potential linkages, can be found in the introduction of the publication Sustainable development in the European Union Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context 2022 edition. Just over one in five (22.2%) of TDs were female while 30% of the membership of the Seanad were female. This indicator refers to the proportion of women in national parliaments in both chambers (lower house and upper house, where relevant). DWA-SDG Relationship Decent work, gender equality and non-discrimination feature prominently in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Although women are actively involved in the labour market over the past half-century, they still remain meaningfully underrepresented as entrepreneurs. Practical tools and Member State examples, Tool 1: Connecting the EU Funds with the EUs regulatory framework on gender equality, Legislative and regulatory basis for EU policies on gender equality, Concrete requirements for considering gender equality within the EU Funds, Tool 2: Analysing gender inequalities and gender needs at the national and sub-national levels, Steps to assess and analyse gender inequalities and needs, Step 1. The reference index measures gender equality across five pillars: female leadership & talent pipeline, equal pay & gender pay parity, inclusive culture, anti . Three reasons why gender budgeting is crucial in the EU Funds, How can we apply gender budgeting in the EU Funds? This publication contains the result of the work of that Task Force, which was endorsed . Underpinning the processes with an outcome-focused approach, Principle 5. In 2021, there were on average five female heads of government compared with none in 2003. Researches made by the European Institute of gender Equality demonstrate that improving Gender Equality will boost 2050 European GDP between 6.1% and 9.1% which amounts from 1.95 to 3.15 trillion. How is the gender equality in Denmark? The regional . Womens employment rates are increasing from year to year. Consult directly with the target groups, Tool 3: Operationalising gender equality in policy objectives and specific objectives/measures, Steps for operationalising gender equality in Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes, General guidance on operationalising gender equality when developing policy objectives, specific objectives and measures, Checklist for putting the horizontal principle of gender equality into practice in Partnership Agreements, Checklist for putting the horizontal principle of gender equality into practice in Operational Programmes, Examples of integrating gender equality as a horizontal principle in policy objectives and specific objectives, Tool 4: Coordination and complementarities between the EU Funds to advance work-life balance, Steps for enhancing coordination and complementarities between the funds, Step 1. Aggregated yearly time series mainly from the UN and World Bank database for the period 1991 - 2020 were used. Women do not only have lower employment rates than men, they also tend to earn less. UN Women (2019, Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2019. Thus, attaining, for example, tertiary education is becoming more important for both men and women. European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (2021), Sustainable development in the European Union Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context 2022 edition, Early leavers from education and training, All articles on sustainable development goals. Work-life balance, Snails-pace progress on gender equality in the EU continues, More women in decision-making drives progress, Gender equality inching slowly forward in a fast-changing world of work, Women dominate part-time employment, consigning them to jobs with poorer career progression, Motherhood, low education and migration are particular barriers to work for women, Patchy progress on gender-equal access to financial and economic resources, Lifetime pay inequalities fall on older women, Gender equality in education standing still even as women graduates outnumber men graduates, Both women and men limit their study fields, Adult learning stalls most when reskilling needs are greatest, Enduring burden of care perpetuates inequalities for women, Uneven impact of family life on women and men, More women in decision-making but still a long way to go, Democracy undermined by absence of gender parity in politics, More gender equality on corporate boards but only in a few Member States, Limited opportunities for women to influence social and cultural decision-making, Behavioural change in health is key to tackling gender inequalities, Lone parents and people with disabilities are still without the health support they need, Data gaps mask the true scale of gender-based violence in the EU, Backlash against gender equality undermines legal efforts to end violence against women, Informal care of older people, people with disabilities and long-term care services, Informal care of children and childcare services. In addition, promoting equality between women and men in decision-making has been a key objective of European policy for many years. Actively participate in the initiative, Designing effective Gender Equality Training, Good Practices on Gender Equality Training, More resources on Gender Equality Training, More on EIGE's work on Gender Equality Training, Step 5: Findings and proposals for improvement, Institutional transformation and gender: Key points, Gender mainstreaming and institutional transformation, Dimensions of gender mainstreaming in institutions: The SPO model, Why focus on Institutional Transformation, 1. The prevalence of violence varies greatly across the EU. In this manner, the toolkit addresses . How is gender-responsive public procurement linked to gender budgeting? Practical tools and Member State examples, Tool 1: Connecting the EU Funds with the EUs regulatory framework on gender equality, Legislative and regulatory basis for EU policies on gender equality, Concrete requirements for considering gender equality within the EU Funds, Tool 2: Analysing gender inequalities and gender needs at the national and sub-national levels, Steps to assess and analyse gender inequalities and needs, Step 1. Get the latest EIGE's updates on a personalised basis. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Gender Statistics. The employment rate is calculated by dividing the number of people aged 20 to 64 in employment by the total population of the same age group. Women do not play an active role in business initiatives due to the obstacles they often confront compared to men. Equipping people with the right skills allows them to find quality jobs and improve their chances in life. Gender Equality Strategy Measures taken to promote the advancement of women and objectives for strategic engagement for gender equality. In the relatively reduced number of women who undertake business activities. The balanced participation of women and men in education and training, the labour market and in leadership positions is crucial for gender equality in the EU. Adopting a gender-specific approach, Principle 2. In Europe Women constitute 52% of the total European population but only 34.4% of the European Union self-employed and 30% of start-up entrepreneurs. Write good terms of reference 5. Women tend to be more highly educated than men in most EU countries. Invite others to join in 9. In the 2020 Global Gender Gap Index, Europe held the top four spots for gender equality, with Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Sweden ranking first through fourth, respectively. Alignment with the EUs strategic engagement goals for gender equality and national gender equality goals, Steps 2 and 3. Tertiary education also plays an essential role in society by fostering innovation, increasing economic development and growth, and improving the general well-being of citizens. The inequalities that women face in gaining access to work, career progression and rewards, along with the consequences of career breaks or part-time work due to caring responsibilities, labour market segregation, the parenthood penalty and stereotypes about the roles of men and women are inevitably linked to the persistent gender pay gap. The purpose of this paper is to explain the role of socioeconomic development, economic, employment, and demographic factors on gender gap in life expectancy at birth (LEAB) in 24 South and East European countries. However, the numbers mean the clear majority of board members of the largest listed companies are still men. 4. The highest differences are presented in Italy Spain and Greece. Establishing a gender information management system, 11. At EU level, the gender pay gap, the gender employment gap and the gender hour's gap contributed 36.1 %, 28.9 % and 35.0 %, respectively, to the gender overall earnings gap. Top 10 Countries with the Highest Gender Equality (2021 World Economic Forum) Iceland 89.2% Finland 86.1% Norway 84.9% New Zealand 84.0% Sweden 82.3% Namibia 80.9% Rwanda 80.5% Lithuania 80.4% Ireland 80.0% Ensuring high employment rates for both men and women is one of the EUs key targets. The persistent employment gap is mirrored in the significant gender pay gap. The gender pay gap has decreased slightly in recent years but remains considerable. The share of female members of government (senior and junior ministers) in the EU was still lower than for men at 33.4% in 2021, although this was an increase from 22.6% in 2003. Women make up 26 per cent of parliamentarians in Sub-Saharan Africa. And COVID-19 could slow down progress even further. Although the drop to below 11percentage points in 2021 represents a new record low, it also means that the proportion of working-age men in employment still considerably exceeds that of women. 16, LT-01103 Vilnius, Lithuania. Launching gender equality action plans, 13. Five reasons why gender-responsive public procurement, Gender-responsive public procurement in practice, Legal framework cross-references gender equality and public procurement, Gender equality action plans or strategies mention public procurement, Capacity-building programmes, support structures, Regular collaboration between gender equality bodies, Effective monitoring and reporting systems on the use of GRPP, Tool 1:Self-assessment questionnaire about the legal, Tool 2: Overview of the legislative, regulatory and policy frameworks, How to include gender aspects in tendering procedures, Tool 3: Decision tree to assess the gender relevance, Tool 4: Guiding questions for needs assessment, Defining the subject matter of the contract, Tool 5: Decision tree for the choice of procedure for GRPP, Tool 6: Guiding questions for dividing contracts into lots for GRPP, Light regime for social, health and other specific services, Tool 7: Guiding questions for applying GRPP under the light regime, Tool 8: Guiding questions for applying GRPP under the light regime, Tool 9: Decision tree for setting GRPP selection criteria, Tool 11: Bidders concepts to ensure the integration of gender aspects, Tool 12: Checklist for including GRPP contract performance conditions, Tool 13: Template for a GRPP monitoring and reporting plan, EIGEs publications on Gender mainstreaming, Data collection on violence against women, Analysis of EU directives from a gendered perspective, Intimate partner violence and witness intervention, Risk assessment and risk management by police, Principle 2: Adopting a victim-centred approach, Principle 3: Taking a gender-specific approach, Principle 4: Adopting an intersectional approach, Principle 5: Considering childrens experiences, Step 1: Define the purpose and objectives of police risk assessment, Step 2: Identify the most appropriate approach to police risk assessment, Step 3: Identify the most relevant risk factors for police risk assessment, Step 4: Implement systematic police training and capacity development, Step 5: Embed police risk assessment in a multiagency framework, Step 6: Develop procedures for information management and confidentiality, Step 7: Monitor and evaluate risk assessment practices and outcomes, Risk management principles and recommendations, Principle 1. Both in international level and in the European Union in particular, the statistics show that female entrepreneurship moves to consistently lower levels than men. Gender equality in Europe The EU strives for women, men, girls and boys to have equal opportunities in Europe. Find the most up-to-date statistics about gender equality in Europe Ensure sufficient resources 4. International Labour Organisation (2015). According to Chunn, "many feminists have voiced disquiet about the ways in which rights and equality . Traditional gender roles, a lack of support to allow women and men to balance care responsibilities with work, and political and corporate cultures are some of the reasons why women are underrepresented in decision-making processes. As a result, the gender gap has narrowed by 2.4percentage points since 2016, reaching 21.7percentage points in 2021. Identifying and developing possible work-life balance interventions, Step 4. Delivering a coordinated, multiagency response, Strategic framework on violence against women 2015-2018, Legal Definitions in the EU Member States, EIGE's publications on gender-based violence, EU candidate countries and potential candidates, Gender equality indices in the Western Balkans and Turkey, Gender statistics in the Western Balkans and Turkey, First steps towards more inclusive language, Key principles for inclusive language use, Avoid gendered pronouns (he or she) when the persons gender is unknown, Avoid irrelevant information about gender, Avoid gendered stereotypes as descriptive terms, Using different adjectives for women and men, Do not use he to refer to unknown people, Do not use gender-biased nouns to refer to groups of people, Greetings and other forms of inclusive communication, Solutions for how to use gender-sensitive language, The argument for work-life balance measures, Step-by-step approach to building a compelling business case, Step 1: Identify national work-life balance initiatives and partners, Step 2: Identify potential resistance and find solutions, Step 3: Maximise buy-in from stakeholders, Step 4: Design a solid implementation plan, Step 6: Highlight benefits and celebrate early wins, Toolbox for planning work-life balance measures in ICT companies, Gender Equality Index 2019. Women are still less likely to be employed than men. "ALL IN: Towards gender balance in sport" is a European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (COE) joint project (1 March 2018-31 October 2019). UN Women's country gender equality brief (CGEB) provides a snapshot of the status of gender equality and the empowerment of women in Armenia, particularly against the gender-related indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals. Europeans consider the most important gender inequality to be violence against women (48%), closely followed by the pay gap (43%). Table 1: Indicators measuring progress towards SDG 5, EU, Table 2: Explanation of symbols for indicating progress towards SD objectives and targets. In 29 countries, women represent fewer than 10% of MPs in the single or lower houses, of which four houses have no women. The book outlines some of the finest examples of UN Women Trkiye's creative collaborations, joint art works, and groundbreaking communication campaigns realized thanks to . The 2021 edition of the Global Gender Gap Index studied and ranked 156 countries and territories around the world. The entrepreneurial system is still dominated by men. Underpinning the processes with an outcome-focused approach, Principle 5. Health and Gender Gender Equality in Education. For third year, firm recognized for commitment to transparency in gender-data reporting Depend substantially less than men on loans, both for starting-up their enterprises and for financing their activities. Gender Equality Statistics - UNICEF DATA Gender equality overview October 2022 Gender equality is essential to ensure that every child - girl and boy - has a fair chance in life. Moreover, women are about twice as likely as men to be a victim of intentional homicide by family and relatives or their intimate partner. Develop tools and support services for women entrepreneurs. In addition, single women with children experienced larger employment losses during the pandemic than those without children. Creation of a favourable business environment for womens entrepreneurship development and gender equality. EIGEs Index shows it will take nearly three generations to achieve gender equality at the current pace. The Regulations will need to be clear about who should be included when calculating pay gap statistics. GEAR step-by-step guide for research funding bodies, Work-life balance and organisational culture, Gender balance in leadership and decision making, Gender equality in recruitment and career progression, Integration of the sex/gender dimension into research and teaching content, Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment, Measures mitigating the effect of COVID-19, Training: awareness-raising and capacity building, Gender-sensitive research funding procedures, Success factors for GEP development and implementation, Self-assessment, scoring and interpretation of parliament gender-sensitivity, AREA 1 Women and men have equal opportunities to ENTER the parliament, Domain 1 Electoral system and gender quotas, Domain 2 - Political party/group procedures, Domain 3 Recruitment of parliamentary employees, AREA 2 Women and men have equal opportunities to INFLUENCE the parliaments working procedures, Domain 1 Parliamentarians presence and capacity in a parliament, Domain 3 Staff organisation and procedures, AREA 3 Womens interests and concerns have adequate SPACE on parliamentary agenda, Domain 1 Gender mainstreaming structures, Domain 2 Gender mainstreaming tools in parliamentary work, Domain 3 Gender mainstreaming tools for staff, AREA 4 The parliament produces gender-sensitive LEGISLATION, Domain 1 Gender equality laws and policies, AREA 5 The parliament complies with its SYMBOLIC function, Domain 2 Gender equality in external communication and representation. Women were asked whether they had experienced physical and/or sexual violence within the 12 months prior to the interview. Receive our newsletter to stay on top of iEDs latest posts. This article is a part of a set of statistical articles, which are based on the Eurostat publication Sustainable development in the European Union Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context 2022 edition. The data presented in this section stem from the Gender Statistics Database of the European Institute for Gender Equality. Monitoring SDG 5 in an EU context focuses on the topics of gender-based violence, education, employment and leadership positions. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2014), For more information see Eurostat metadata on. The data nevertheless provide evidence of the positive impact of legislative action on the issue of female representation in boards[16]. This report is the sixth edition of Eurostats series of monitoring reports on sustainable development, which provide a quantitative assessment of progress of the EU towards the SDGs in an EU context. Nevertheless, experts. Following-up through the use of indicators within M&E systems, Fictional case study 1: reconciling paid work and childcare, Fictional case study 2: reconciling shift work and childcare, Fictional case study 3: balancing care for oneself and others, Fictional case study 4: reconciling care for children and older persons with shift work, Tool 5: Defining partnerships and multi-level governance, Steps for defining partnerships and multi-level governance, Tool 6: Developing quantitative and qualitative indicators for advancing gender equality, Steps to develop quantitative and qualitative indicators, Tool 7: Defining gender-sensitive project selection criteria, Steps to support gender-sensitive project development and selection, Checklist to guide the preparation of calls for project proposals, Supplementary tool 7.a: Gender-responsive agreements with project implementers, Tool 8: Tracking resource allocations for gender equality in the EU Funds, Steps for tracking resource allocations on gender equality, Annex 1: Ex ante assignment of intervention fields to the gender equality dimension codes, Annex 2: The EUs gender equality legal and policy framework, Tool 9: Mainstreaming gender equality in project design, Steps to mainstream gender equality in project design, Step 1. These cookies do not store any personal information. Would you like to contribute to achieving a gender equal Europe? Another factor is that gender norms and expectations reduce the pool of female candidates for selection as electoral representatives. Gender mainstreaming and sport at the Council of Europe Data on part-time employment use break-corrected data based, for most countries, on derivations done by Eurostat using the correction input received from countries (derived indicators). Almost 30% of women in the EU work part-time compared to 8.4% of men and they are much more likely to stop work to take care of children and relatives. G7 Dashboard on Gender Gaps 2022 This Eurofound report presents a closer look at women's and men's working conditions, using data from Eurofound's European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) and complementing previous Eurofound research on . Gender Statistics Database (National governments: presidents and prime ministers). Gender statistics Gender statistics are needed to measure and monitor the realities of the lives of women and men, and of girls and boys. Step 6: What comes after the Gender Equality Plan? However, despite the increase, womens employment rates remain low, the difference in employment rates between men and women account for an average of 20%. Framed under Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, the CGEB also attempts to summarize how/ if women from marginalized or vulnerable communities may face multiple layers of . The increase was particularly strong for women, whose tertiary educational attainment rate rose from 25.3% in 2002 to 46.8% in 2021. Integrate initiatives to broader strategy 3. In the EU, the employment rate for women grew from 60.6% in 2009 to 67.7% in 2021. Ensure sufficient resources 4. The labor force participation rate in the region for men is 66%, compared to 50.6% for women. Therefore, they are neither employed nor unemployed and considered to be outside the labour force. Data from official crime statistics on intentional homicide and sexual offences show that women are much more likely to be a victim of such crimes than men. An analysis by degree of urbanisation shows a variation in the gender employment gap between cities, towns and suburbs and rural areas. The 37-year-old is also a European chess champion and is credited with saving the movement from extinction. Areas covered: politics, public administration, judiciary, business and finance, social partners and NGOs, environment, media and education), Global Database on Quotas of the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, CEPEJ Report "European judicial systems Edition 2018 (2016 data): efficiency and quality of justice", CEPEJ Dashboard on gender equality in courts and prosecution services, CEPEJ Report "European judicial systems Edition 2016 (2014 data): efficiency and quality of justice", Recommendation Rec (2002) 5 on the Protection of Women against Violence, Chapter of the UN Worlds Women 2015 Report on violence against women, European Union-wide survey on violence against women of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency ( 2014, EU member states), Council of Europe standards and institutional setting, Gender mainstreaming in the member states, Information from international organisations, Disclaimer - Council of Europe 2023 - Photo credit, Council of Europe indicators regarding legislation and policies to prevent and combat violence against women (Monitoring the implementation of. Women overall tend to perform better than men when it comes to early leaving from education and training in the EU. Here are some key statistics about the situation and connected EU actions. Over a longer time period, every third woman (33%) in the EU reported having experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15[1] Women with disabilities are even more likely to be a victim of physical and/or sexual violence, at a rate that is two to five times higher than the rate for women without disabilities[2]. Equal access to quality education, especially tertiary education, is expected to improve chances in life for both men and women. The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted ongoing challenges related to womens participation in the labour market. What is gender-responsive public procurement? A ten-step programme for managers, Eradicating sexism to change the face of the EU, EIGE-2021 Gender Equality Index 2021 Report: Health, Decision-making driving change, segregation blocking it, Small drop in disparities in gender equality across the European Union, but COVID-19 could change that, Unpaid childcare still hindering women from working full time, Women bear the brunt of the impact of COVID-19 on jobs, Earnings and income equality still out of reach, Single women, particularly in old age, are at highest risk of poverty, COVID-19 exacerbates womens economic vulnerability and hardship, Hard-to-reach groups would benefit most from adult learning, School closures due to COVID-19 reinforce and add new inequalities in education and unpaid work, Gender inequalities in use of time live on, Gender differences on household chores entrenched from childhood, Unpaid care workloads and social isolation affect well-being, Decision-making gains drive gender equality progress, Gender-balanced decision-making is imperative post pandemic, Enduring health inequalities stall progress, COVID-19 lowers life expectancy for men and birth rates, A dearth of evidence hampers true assessment of violence against women, Inequalities heighten the risk of violence against women, Gender-based violence amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, Gender inequalities in health in the European Union, Gender differences in health reflect lifelong inequalities, Men are more likely to perceive their health as good, Women are more likely to have health limitations over their lifetime, The main causes of premature mortality are gendered, Women report poorer mental well-being than men, Gender differences in mental disorders begin early in life, Body image drives poor mental health, especially in youth, Health and risk behaviours are clearly gendered, Gender and intersecting inequalities in access to health services, Rights, access and outcomes sexual and reproductive health in focus, The COVID-19 pandemic aggravates and brings forth health inequalities, Gedimino pr. What is gender-responsive public procurement? Manuals / News / Vilnius hosts International Conference on gender equality in development cooperation 2014-10-10 The International Conference "Empowering Women in Development: Challenges Beyond 2015" organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania in cooperation with the Eastern Europe Studies Centre began was held on 8-10 October . In 2019, 0.4 out of 100000 women were victims of such homicide, compared with only 0.2 per 100000 men[4]. See European Commission, Strategy for Physical and sexual violence against women affects their health and well-being. Early leavers from education and training may face considerable difficulties in the labour market. Step-by-step guide to Gender Equality Training Preparation phase 1. Identify existing gender inequalities and their underlying causes, Step 3. . What if gender equality were achieved at certain levels of seniority within a business? The countries with the highest and lowest shares saying gender equality has increased can both be found in Europe. In the 2020 general election, the proportion of female TDs did not change significantly, with 22.7% of elected TDs being female. More research and data on the topic, integrating a gender mainstreaming approach into all sport-related policies, as well as positive measures to address the many gender gaps in the field are necessary in order to achieve real equality between women and men in and through sport. Describes the overall framework of European Community law and explores concepts of sex equality in various social security systems. For men, the rate started from a higher value and increased more slowly, from 74.0% in 2009 to 78.5% in 2021 (see the article on SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth for more detailed analyses on employment rates). Five reasons why gender-responsive public procurement, Gender-responsive public procurement in practice, Legal framework cross-references gender equality and public procurement, Gender equality action plans or strategies mention public procurement, Capacity-building programmes, support structures, Regular collaboration between gender equality bodies, Effective monitoring and reporting systems on the use of GRPP, Tool 1:Self-assessment questionnaire about the legal, Tool 2: Overview of the legislative, regulatory and policy frameworks, How to include gender aspects in tendering procedures, Tool 3: Decision tree to assess the gender relevance, Tool 4: Guiding questions for needs assessment, Defining the subject matter of the contract, Tool 5: Decision tree for the choice of procedure for GRPP, Tool 6: Guiding questions for dividing contracts into lots for GRPP, Light regime for social, health and other specific services, Tool 7: Guiding questions for applying GRPP under the light regime, Tool 8: Guiding questions for applying GRPP under the light regime, Tool 9: Decision tree for setting GRPP selection criteria, Tool 11: Bidders concepts to ensure the integration of gender aspects, Tool 12: Checklist for including GRPP contract performance conditions, Tool 13: Template for a GRPP monitoring and reporting plan, EIGEs publications on Gender mainstreaming, Data collection on violence against women, Analysis of EU directives from a gendered perspective, Intimate partner violence and witness intervention, Risk assessment and risk management by police, Principle 2: Adopting a victim-centred approach, Principle 3: Taking a gender-specific approach, Principle 4: Adopting an intersectional approach, Principle 5: Considering childrens experiences, Step 1: Define the purpose and objectives of police risk assessment, Step 2: Identify the most appropriate approach to police risk assessment, Step 3: Identify the most relevant risk factors for police risk assessment, Step 4: Implement systematic police training and capacity development, Step 5: Embed police risk assessment in a multiagency framework, Step 6: Develop procedures for information management and confidentiality, Step 7: Monitor and evaluate risk assessment practices and outcomes, Risk management principles and recommendations, Principle 1. iStock/LaylaBird, 2021. Also showing an increase was the number of female heads of government in EU countries. The European Commission (EC) is called upon to support transnational initiatives on gender equality in the field of culture and to promote the collection and distribution of culture-specific data on gender equality and cultural diversity in Europe. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. From 24 to 30 October 2022, the European Parliament held its third European Gender Equality Week, at the initiative of the Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee (FEMM). Violating sexist expectations can lead to sexual harassment, How can I combat sexism? European Commission (2018), Gender pay gap in EU countries based on SES (2014), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. The UN Economic Commission for Europe gender equality statistics cover Country Profiles, Population, Fertility, families and households, Work and economy, Education, Public life and decision making, Health and mortality, Crime and violence, Science and ICT, Work-life balance and Migration, Gender Budgeting: Step-by-step toolkit: Guidance for mainstreaming gender into the EU Funds, The gender statistics database of the European Institute for Gender Equality covers 14 policy areas, The Eurostat Monitoring Report on Progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal in a EU contact contains data on employment, violence against women, care issues and decision-making, Balanced participation of women and men in decision-making - Analytical Report - 2016 data, Third round of monitoring of Council of Europe Recommendation Rec (2003) 3 on balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making, Comparative study on the results of the first and second rounds of monitoring of Council of Europe Recommendation Rec (2003) 3 on balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making, Chapter of the UN Worlds Women 2015 Report on power and decision-making women, Data on women in parliaments of the Inter-Parliamentary Union ( 191 countries), Women and men in decision making in the European Union (gender statistics database). Gender differences are especially recognized in the field of entrepreneurship. Establishing an evidence-based approach, Principle 4. The EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 confirms that the European Commission will do all it can to prevent and combat gender-based violence, support and protect victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. 2015' initiative, challenging gender diversity and equality. To help countries fulfill their promise to close the gender gap by 2030, the UIS disaggregates all indicators by sex to the extent possible, produces parity indices and develops new . Lithuania is still pretty far from the Scandinavian standards in terms of gender equality," the . Women's employment rates are increasing from year to year. The countries with the highest rates of female participation in employment are Finland, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. What happens when you violate sexist expectations? As a result, the share of the population aged 25 to 34 who completed tertiary education increased steadily between 2002 and 2021. This indicator measures the share of female board members in the largest publicly listed companies. The gender gap is particularly pronounced when looking at non-participation in the labour force due to caring responsibilities, caused by the lack of available, accessible and quality formal care services, especially for children[14], as well as long-term care services. How gender-sensitive are parliaments in the EU? Find & lease space Move into your first office, find a new one with room to grow, or develop a complete location strategy. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, Gender equality in the EU: overview and key trends, Gender gap for inactive population due to caring responsibilities, Seats held by women in national parliaments, Positions held by women in senior management. A Europe where women and men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are equal." It is structured around six themes: It concentrates upon the higher education systems of Germany and the United Kingdom, and is based upon questionnaire responses. In Sweden - one of the most egalitarian countries in Europe, according to the European Institute for Gender Equality - 80% say equality has increased in the past two decades. In all countries and regions of the world working environment is dominated by distortions and inequalities against women. Disadvantage in terms of capital-intensive sectors and level of investments and as a result they display insufficiency on sales, profits and labour productivity. In Cambodia, hundreds of people joined the Siem Reap Running Race in 2015, saying no to violence against women. Integrate initiatives to broader strategy 3. This document seems correct and needed, however, Members of European Parliament point to the lack of specific goals by 2025 - binding . What happens when you violate sexist expectations? Gender equality means that women and men and girls and boys enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. This caused the gender gap to surge from 4.3percentage points to 11.1percentage points between 2002 and 2021. At different personality characteristics of women entrepreneurs than men entrepreneurs. Women in the labour market / Work-Life Balance Women's participation in the labour market, gender pay gap, EU rights to work-life balance, EU action to promote work-life balance Equal pay The U.S. public follows a different pattern; men are slightly more likely than women to think it is very important for women to have the same rights as men (93% vs. 89%). Trafficking in women and prostitution comes in third place with 36%. For Iceland, only the Families and Liberties sub-scores were available. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Step 6: What comes after the Gender Equality Plan? In education and training, it is important to eliminate gender stereotypes and promote gender balance in traditionally male or female fields. Although this gap narrowed between 2002 and 2016, it widened again over the following five years and remained substantial, at 3.5percentage points in 2021. In addition, Member States that rank highest in terms of gender equality also tend to report a greater prevalence of violence against women. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Equal Pay Caring responsibilities are by far the main reason for women to be outside the labour force. non break-corrected data. At the current rate of progress, gender parity in national legislative bodies will not be achieved before 2063 [12]. The reasons for economic inactivity covered by this indicator include care of adults with disabilities or children and other family or personal reasons. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an EU agency working to make gender equality a reality in the EU and beyond. Terms of Service apply. Between 2015 and 2020, the gender pay gap narrowed by 2.5percentage points in the EU. Work-life balance. Girls are still more likely than boys to never set foot in a classroom, despite the tremendous progress made over the past 20 years. Younger women were more likely to report having been subject to violence; 12% of women aged 18 to 29 had experienced physical or sexual violence in the 12 months prior to the interview, whereas 5% of women aged 50 to 59 had been affected. Purpose: Global gender diversity and equality indexes have been developed to promote gender diversity and equality at the country level, but it is difficult to see how those indexes are applied to organizations on a daily basis. There are more than 100 member organisations, representing 33 European countries. Privacy Policy and Alignment with partnership agreements and Operational Programmes gender objectives and indicators, Step 2. The indicator has been defined as unadjusted because it gives an overall picture of gender inequalities in terms of pay and measures a concept which is broader than the concept of equal pay for equal work. Correction input (which can be correction factors or corrected LFS indicators) has been sent by countries to Eurostat, which has been used to break-correct some of the LFS time series, while some others have not been corrected. Obstacles and prejudices still raised serious conditions of gender discrimination and gender equality in all aspects of the labour market. This share has increased since 2003, when women accounted for about one-fifth of members in national parliaments. The countries with the highest rates of female participation in employment are Finland, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. In 2006, when the World Economic Forum first published the report . Why is gender budgeting important in the EU Funds? Looking back on 2022, women's rights regressed in many areas, but experts and advocates remain hopeful as a wave of feminist solidarity sweeps the globe and young people risk their lives to say . This indicator is based on the results of a survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The economically inactive population comprises individuals who are not working, not actively seeking work or not available to work even if they have found a job. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A major expansion in higher education systems has taken place in the EU since the early 2000s, when the Bologna process put in motion a series of reforms to make European higher education more compatible, comparable, competitive and attractive for students[7]. 10 Eurostats, "Gender pay gap statistics", . Photograph of American women replacing men fighting in Europe, 1945. . Gender inequality at work persists across Europe, despite the long standing attention paid and efforts made to tackle it. Gender inequality in Europe used to be seen primarily as an issue of equality and justice. How is gender-responsive public procurement linked to gender budgeting? Identify existing gender inequalities and their underlying causes, Step 3. The workshop contributed to the ongoing debate on this topic and offered a platform for discussion and networking . What about the situation of women in Switzerland? Assess the needs 2. Discussions on the still substantial gender pay gap, gaps in employment rates, under-representation in senior management and corporate boards, and disparities in political representation have often been framed as equality issues. Collect information and disaggregated data on the target group, Step 2. Insurance of equal opportunities for both women and men entrepreneurs in funding as well as subsidy. Gender Equality and Entrepreneurship for All, 8 Useful Software Every Entrepreneur Should Be Using Today, Motivating Employee Training: What Methods Work, Fresh Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in 2023, What Is Intrapreneurship And How It Benefits Businesses And Workers, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (GDPR compliant), Gender Equality and Entrepreneurship in Europe: Statistics and Trends.

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